black crab


Black Crab’s Most Horrific Scene Mirrors a Heartbreaking Canadian Tragedy

As soldiers skated across frozen waters to stop a war, Black Crab had a horrific scene that harkened to a Canadian tragedy earlier this year.

Caroline Edh and Nylund discovers they're transporting a virus in Black Crab
Black Crab’s Bleak Ending, Explained

In Netflix's Black Crab, one woman's attempt to find her child in war-torn Europe leads to a shocking and bleak ending.

black crab and alien
Black Crab Cements Noomi Rapace as Netflix’s Sigourney Weaver

Netflix’s Black Crab stars Noomi Rapace as the main character in another role that proves the star’s aptitude to gain a Sigourney Weaver status.

Caroline Edh and Nylund discovers they're transporting a virus in Black Crab
What's Inside Black Crab’s Mysterious Canisters?

Netflix's Black Crab dives into a war-torn Europe, revealing a shocking twist regarding a couple of mysterious canisters being transported.
